What it Means to be Green

More than Just Cabinets: UR Cabinets’ effort to form a sustainable and prosperous Tampa Bay community

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“Providing a professional and quality service such as cabinets is our second job, while taking care of our local community and future clients is our priority and our goal is to exceed every expectation that you may have”

Every day presents a new challenge. Whether it be a specific task, job, or simply considering how our actions today may impact the prosperity of our future, there are always going to be decisions to make and repercussions of such. Being a locally owned company in the Tampa Bay area has provided many opportunities and of course subsequent challenges, but we have always remained true to one thing – community and local support. Here at UR Cabinets we prefer to assume that as a local business our work does not stop at the end of a job or after working with potential clients. We structure our investment of time and resources in our products and clients but prioritize the community in order to help ensure a sustainable and prosperous future.


What does that mean?


To us, it means being and going GREEN. This is not passive, rather, it is active involvement in global, national, and even local sustainability. It is working towards a common public goal and global trend to provide a future that one day our families, children, and grandchildren can be proud of. Specifically, our service already provides that immediate gratitude of helping bring families and coworkers together, one kitchen at a time, but we want to do more.


Tampa Bay Going Green:


Tampa, and Hillsborough county, has been taking major steps in prior years and is continuing to redevelop, restructure, and implement a Green-oriented infrastructure that will ensure the health and sustainability of the community and environment. Many buildings are beginning to comply with LEED and USGBC standards and are taking extra steps to reduce pollution, wasted energy, water, and providing an all-around healthier atmosphere for those in the community and tourists visiting our beautiful city.  

Read the ways that Hillsborough County is taking initiative here



How are we Green?


As many have said, talk is cheap, and actions speak louder than words. We personally take that to heart and take pride in our association with manufacturers who are members of the U.S. Green Building Council. Again, talk is cheap, so feel free to look below as to how exactly we are impacting the local community and future sustainability of the Tampa Bay area:



USGBC is committed to a sustainable, prosperous future through LEED, the leading program for green buildings and communities worldwide.


LEED – Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design


It provides the framework to create healthy, highly efficient and cost-saving green buildings while LEED certification is a globally recognized symbol of sustainability achievement.



Rewards of LEED:

-Instant recognition

-Higher resale value

-Healthier indoor space

-Lower use of energy, water and other resources

-Better buildings for occupants, the community and the Environment


USGBC programs & initiatives


(above information courtesy of USGBC.org)


In accordance with USGBC “to lead, educate, engage and empower the community to build green,” we will keep doing our best every day in hopes that others will not only recognize but choose to take part in the initiative of Going Green.


It is easier to stick to traditional ways rather than conform to societal expectations, but that is why UR Cabinets asks YOU to take pride in your city and local businesses in an effort to better our community as a whole starting with sustainability.


The next time UR Contemplating a remodel, home development, or commercial cabinetry service, we’d like you to ask yourself, “How will this simple choice affect the future of my community and environment?” Because providing a professional and quality service such as cabinets is our second job, while taking care of our local community and future clients is our priority and our goal is to exceed every expectation that you may have.  

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